Visit to Tea Farms

By Sooji Im

During the lockdown, we had an opportunity to visit the tea farms we work closely with: Bohyang Tea Farm and Da Che, both based in Boseong, Korea.

Bohyang Tea Farm is a fifth-generation family tea farm, which is the first tea farm to receive organic certificate in Korea. We were welcomed by the Choi family, and had an opportunity to walk around the grounds. Our visit coincided with a heavy snowfall the day before early February, hence you can see the tea bushes covered in snow. Harvest does not start until March and continues until June. 


We travelled to Da Che, another tea farm in Boseong, to also see the grounds and discuss harvest plans for the upcoming year. Our flower teas are from Da Che, which produces high quality, hand-harvested and processed flower teas as well as leaf and herbal teas. Shortly after our visit was the harvest season for plum flowers, shown below. We look forward to receiving the new harvest shortly.