How to make malcha drinks

Malcha (a.k.a. matcha, but in Korean) is often consumed with milk (matcha latte, that you have often seen on cafe menus. It has been popular at our tea room also in this unusually warm and long summer. We have it in different ways to make it a little more exciting for our visitors.
The simple and most common way of making it is:
1. Add one teaspoon of malcha (2g) into small bowl
2. Add a splash of warm water (about 80 degrees)
3. Whisk until frothy
4. Enjoy as is, or pour into a cup of water or milk
Here's a video of how to whisk it up using our bowl and whisk:
We have found that malcha pairs well with creamy and milky texture, so we created this drink that has quickly become a favourite: Malcha Einspänner - Einspänner refers to Viennese coffee that combines espresso with whipped cream. Coffee has been replaced with malcha to create this.
You need:
4g of Malcha65ml of warm water (about 80c)
25ml of milk
50ml of single cream
5g of caster sugar
Prepare a glass with 4-5 cubes of ice. Whisk up the malcha with water and pour it into the glass. Pour in the milk. In a jug or a bowl, place the sugar and cream together. Using a whisk, whip up the cream until the texture has thickened, but still a little runny. Gently pour it into the glass. Top it up with some extra malcha on top (optional).
Another popular way of drinking malcha is by blending it with citrus - yuza (yuzu) in particular pairs well. To make a refreshing drink for the summer, you can mix a spoonful of yuza marmalade and sparkling water, and top it up with some malcha prepared with water in the method given above.